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'An Easy Guide To Creating Powerful Presentations' eBook


‘An Easy Guide To Creating Powerful Presentations’ is a reader-centred step-by-step guide written by Nafisa Ahmedi which includes planning and organisational worksheets to guide you through and help you create powerful presentations that will have a long lasting impact on your audience.

This book focuses on each crucial stage and concept that is essential in creating effective and impactful presentations. Brought to you by education specialist and author Nafisa Ahmedi, this book covers all the essential of good presentation and communication skills including signpost language and body language to help develop your confidence and public speaking skills.

1: What Makes a Good Presentation?
2: Clarity of Presentation Aims
3: Organisation of Content
4: Language of Presentation
5: Organisation & Presentation of Visual Aids
6: Body Language
7: Presentation Skills: DOs & DON’Ts
8: Planning & Organisation Sheets for a Successful Presentation

*Due to the digital nature of this product, all sales are final and no refund option is available. For further assistance, please email us [email protected]

© Copyright 2016 Nafisa Ahmedi | Nafisa London & Co
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